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Ealing Festival of Music, Dance, Speech and Drama was founded in 1947.

The primary aim of the Festival is to encourage the study and performance of the arts by providing an opportunity for competitors to perform prepared pieces in public, in a friendly atmosphere.
The Festival has classes for all ages and abilities and entries are welcome from all sources including teachers, schools, societies and individuals.
Each performer receives constructive feedback from an expert adjudicator, and prizes, trophies or medals are awarded to winners of classes.

About: About Us
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Ealing Festival operates a comprehensive child protection policy in accordance with recommendations of the British and International Federation of Festivals. The policy is printed in every syllabus and programme and distributed to parents and teachers entering children.

About: Mission


To advertise in Ealing Festival programmes, please email with your advert attached, or send a copy of the advert to Ealing Festival, 24 Elton Avenue, Greenford UB6 0PW.

Rates: (per section programme) full page (A4) £70; half page (A5) £40. Payment must be made in advance (please make cheques payable to Ealing Festival).

All advertisers are also listed in the syllabus.

About: Philosophy


The support provided by sponsors and the Friends of Ealing Festival helps us to hold our entry fees at the lowest possible level, thus keeping the Festival accessible to all.

You can become a Friend for an annual donation of £20 (or more if you prefer) per person, and your membership will entitle you to a free programme for each Festival section (Dance, Instrumental, Piano, Vocal, and Speech, Drama and Verse).
To become a Friend or sponsor for the next season, please send your details (name/address , email and telephone number) with your cheque to any section leader. You can also make an online payment, using your surname and the word ‘Friend' as the reference, and send us your details by email. Friends are entitled to a free programme at the Festival sessions.

About: About



Could you help us bring back these two very popular sections of the Festival? We need section  leaders to register the entrants, schedule the classes and be present on Festival days, which  are normally on a May weekend. No specialist knowledge is needed, and full support will be  provided by the leaders of the other sections.

To find out more, please contact the Secretary, (or ring 07503 159038 to discuss).


Did you know that throughout the country, festivals have been closing for lack of volunteer support? Like hundreds of others, Ealing Festival is run entirely by volunteers, and we are desperately short of them. Please help us to survive by volunteering a few hours of your time during May.

As a volunteer, you could be a steward for a morning or afternoon during the Festival session days:

  • selling tickets and programmes

  • checking in performers, or

  • helping to prepare refreshments.

Even if you can offer only a few hours of your time, your assistance would be much appreciated.

About: Our Causes
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